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Newsletter Writing

Newsletter and Press Release Writing

An Effective Means of Communication

Organizations that maintain regular contact with the public or a customer/client base issue newsletters and press releases on a frequent basis. This allows the business to keep in touch with their desired audience and provide updates on the latest products, services, improvements, changes in policy or any other action taken by the organization.

Utilizing the Benefits of Newsletters and Press Releases
Most companies employ a marketer who takes care of writing newsletters and press releases, but some organizations simply do not have the budget to employ someone full time. If you are not already communicating with your client or customer base through newsletters and press releases then it is high time you started. Newsletters and press releases are an efficient and effective way of engaging with your audience. 

Newsletters and press releases provide a great opportunity to post the address of your website on other websites. This increases the amount of back links you have across the web and ultimately improves your search engine rankings. There are some websites that exist specifically for the purpose of newsletter and press release publication, so don't miss out on this excellent opportunity of free promotion.

Don't Employ Someone Full-Time 
If you do not have anyone to write at least a monthly newsletter or press release for a new product or major company announcement, and you are too busy to do it yourself, why not hire us to write it for you? You tell us what you want to say and we do the rest! We even post the newsletter or press release on any websites of your choice. Why pay someone a salary to write a few newsletters and press releases every month, save the money and buy yourself a treat. Outsourcing your individual newsletter and press release requirements to us is a far more cost-effective option.