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Website Creation And Design

Landing Page, Squeeze Page and Mini-site Design

The objective of a landing page is to convert a visitor into a buyer. A landing page must consist of elements that persuade visitors to buy a product or service...

Blog Installation Add-Ons and Setup

Blogs have become the preferred content management systems for promoting products and services. The Internet is awash with blogs of all shapes, sizes and descriptions...

Autoresponders Installation

An auto responder is a program that answers e-mail in response to a subscriber filling out a form, but in the modern day auto responders are more commonly used for handling e-mail marketing campaigns. Many companies and marketers use auto responders to maintain contact with their clients and to establish sales leads...

Installation of Content Management Scripts and Add-Ons (Joomla,etc)

Want to build a content management website? Not exactly sure what CMS is? Content Management Sytems (CMS) allow published websites to be customized and updated regularly from a user friendly portal...

Installation of any Script and Configuration (Shopping Carts - Link Exchange Directories Forums - Social Sites)

To sell products or services online you need a website with certain tailored functions. Your website needs to be capable of displaying products, receiving payments and effectively communicating with your clients. ..