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Banner Exchanges

Banner Exchanges

What is a Banner Exchange Network?

Banner exchanges between websites sometimes happen on a personal one-to-one basis, but more often than not, banner exchanges happen through a banner exchange network. Basically, you register your website in a network in order to get your banner ad displayed for free on a range of websites. In return for having your ad shown on other websites, as a member of the network, you must display other site's banner ads on your website. Each banner exchange network has individual rules and requirements.

How Banner Exchanging Works
In order to earn credits, a certain number of banner ads must be displayed on your site. At times the banner exchange network may require you to display more banner ads than the amount of websites advertising your banner. This may seem unfair at first, but this is how the banner exchange network can offer you a free of charge service, because they acquire extra advertising space which  they can sell on to other advertisers.

Things are Never as Easy as They Look
Though at first it might seem easy to participate in a banner exchange program, it is not as straight forward as it sounds. First you need to find a good banner network, one with a large number of participants who have high page rankings. Then you need to design the banners following the specifications for size and content. Finally, you need to add the network's banner code to your pages so other website's banners display on your site, and then post your banner code on the network site for your banner to display correctly on other websites. 

Let us do the Hard Work
You see, these things are never quite what they seem. Tasks such as banner advertising can take hours of your valuable time, and why bother when our data assistants can do it all for a minimal fee. Avoid all the hassle and time consuming tasks that banner advertising presents by hiring our data assistants. We will do it with the same dedication and professionalism as if you were doing it yourself.